Art Basel

June 16–19, 2022

On the occasion of Art Basel 2022, Blum & Poe is pleased to present an exciting new selection of work from its internationally renowned roster of artists. Celebrating relationships new and old, the pieces shown here exemplify the nearly three decades that Blum & Poe has spent championing artists of the continuously advancing avant-garde—with historical pieces from Robert Colescott, Thornton Dial, Kwon Young-woo, and Kishio Suga, to new work from more recently formed alliances such as Lauren Quin and Umar Rashid. Taken as a whole, this presentation acts as a survey of the gallery’s canonical program: its important history and its compelling expansion. 

Alma Allen
Theodora Allen
March Avery
Darren Bader
Alvaro Barrington
Mohamed Bourouissa
Robert Colescott
Thornton Dial
Sam Durant
Aaron Garber-Maikovska
Tomoo Gokita
Sonia Gomes
Mark Grotjahn
Ha Chong-hyun
Kazunori Hamana
Julian Hoeber
Lonnie Holley
Yukie Ishikawa
Matt Johnson
Susumu Koshimizu
Friedrich Kunath
Yukiko Kuroda
Kwon Young-woo
Mimi Lauter
Tony Lewis
Florian Maier-Aichen
Eddie Martinez
Paul Mogensen
Dave Muller
Kazumi Nakamura
Yoshitomo Nara
Asuka Anastacia Ogawa
Solange Pessoa
Lauren Quin
Umar Rashid
Kishio Suga
Alexander Tovborg
Zhu Jinshi

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